Welcome to The Otaua School PTA page!

Firstly - what is the PTA (Parent Teacher Association)?  We are a group of Mums and Dads whose children are students at Otaua School.  We volunteer our time to run / help out with fundraising for the school.

Each year the PTA organises events such as; Calf Clubs, Sausage sizzles, discos, Quiz Nights, Bake Sales, School Lunches and much more.

The money we raise throughout the year is gifted back to the school to help out with funding for things like; PlayGrounds / Tiger Turfs / Teacher Donations / Kapa Haka uniforms / school camps / play equipment....

We meet monthly in the Staffroom at school.  Meetings are to discuss upcoming events and how previous events went.  The Board of Trustees give us a report of up to date information regarding the school.  Teachers give us a report on the comings and goings with the students.  It's a really good way to keep involved and up to date in your children's school life.

If you're a parent or caregiver of an Otaua School student, we welcome you to come along and join the team in whatever way, big or small, you can help.  More hands make light work.

We will keep this page up to date with dates of upcoming meetings and events happening each term.


If you have any questions regarding the PTA please feel free to contact: Chonny Yorke or Laura Goodwright (Co Presidents). dandcyorke@gmail.com, lauragoodwright@gmail.com

PTA Committee Members

New entrance first day jitters? Show your kids these Room 1 Piwakawaka classroom pictures....

Drop off your lunchbox, drink bottle and book bag into your named cubby 

Walk into the shared space to hang your bag onto your named hook

This is your teachers desk say hello to Mrs Malloy

Star of the Day chair, one lucky child gets to sit here every day next to the mat

Learn phonics, alphabet, counting and much more from the learning wall

You will get to sit with all your new friends on your own chair

Your very own classroom library to enjoy in break times

Have some fun in break times playing with all the classroom toys

Room 1 Photo order sheet

Room 2 Photo order Sheet

Room 3 Photo order Sheet

Room 4 Photo order sheet

Room 5 Photo order sheet

Room 6 Photo order sheet

Room 7 Photo order sheet

Room 8 Photo order sheet